General survey of the Trakl-Site: The Poetry and Letters |
Georg Trakl: |
The order follows the German historical-critical edition Collection 1909 |
Arranged by Trakl as a survey of his poems written up to 1909. |
I think, I dreamed of falling leaves, Of wide forests and dark lakes, Of sad words' echo - However, I could not understand their meaning. I think, I dreamed of falling stars, Of the weeping entreaty of pale eyes, Of a smile's echo - However, I could not understand its meaning. Like falling leaves, like falling stars, So I saw myself eternally coming and going, A dream's immortal echo - However, I could not understand its meaning.
In my soul's dark mirror Are pictures of never-seen seas, Of abandoned, tragic imaginary lands, Dissolving into the blue, the thereabouts. My soul bore blood-purple skies Shone through by gigantic, crackling suns, And strangely animated, shimmering gardens, That steamed with muggy, deadly delights. And my soul's dark fountain Created pictures of immense nights, Moved by nameless cantos And breaths of eternal powers. My soul shudders memory-dark, As if it found itself in everything - In unfathomable seas and nights, And deep cantos, without beginning and end.
I saw many towns as if robbed by flame And the times accumulated atrocity after atrocity, And saw a lot of people putrefy to dust, And everything float into oblivion. I saw the gods fall to the night, The holiest harps powerlessly smashed, And kindled anew from putrefaction, A new life swelling to the day. Swelling to the day and again passing, The eternally identical tragedy, That thus we play without understanding, And its insanity's nightly torture Wreathes the soft glory of beauty Like a smiling universe of thorns. |
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So ghostly are these late days Just like the look of sick people, sent here In the light. However, the night shades the muted lament Of their eyes, toward which they already turn. They probably smile and recall their celebrations, How one is moved after songs, half forgotten, And searches words for a sad gesture, Which already grows pale in silence unmeasured. So the sun still plays around ill flowers And lets them shiver in the thin, clear airs With a death-cool delight. The red forests whisper and darken, And more death-nightly the woodpeckers' hammering echoes Just like a reverberation from airless crypts. |
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You are rumpled, distorted by every pain Who has ordered the enemy, the murderer for you, From shadows a wild dance still swings Which witheringly crowns the lost winner, |
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In the evening, when the bells ring peace, I follow the wonderful flights of birds, That in long rows, like devout processions of pilgrims, Disappear into the clear autumn vastness. Wandering through the garden closed for the night I dream after their brighter destinies And hardly feel the motion of the hour hands. Thus I follow their journey over the clouds. Then a breath of decay makes me tremble. A bird complains in defoliated branches. The red wine sways on rusty trellises. Meanwhile like the death-dances of pale children Around dark fountain edges that weather, Shivering blue asters bend in the wind.
Version: 1. To version 2 'Decay' in 'Poems'. |
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I saw myself go through abandoned rooms. - The stars danced crazily on blue ground, And on the fields the dogs howled loud, And in the treetops the foehn rummaged wildly. But suddenly: stillness! Stuffy fever glow Lets poisonous flowers bloom from my mouth, From the branches like from a wound Pale gleaming dew falls, and falls, and falls like blood. From a mirror's deceitful emptiness A countenance slowly lifts in the vagueness Out of horror and darkness: Cain! Very quietly the velvet curtains rustle, Through the window the moon looks as if into emptiness, There I am alone with my murderer. |
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Not lost from my young years Is silent devotion to a sound of bells, To all churches' dusking altars And their blue domes heaven-wide. To an organ's tune at evening, To wide squares fading in darkness, And to a fountain that splashes, softly and quietly And sweetly, like unintelligible children's babbling. I see myself dreaming silently, folding the hands, And whispering prayers forgotten for a long time, And early gloom sombering my glance. Since a woman's picture gleams Out of confused shapes, wreathed by sinister grief, And pours into me the chalice of nefarious shudders. |
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A whiff of feverish poisonous plants Blood-colored blossoms in the mirrors’ brightness Pestilence colored flowers of tropical beaches, And one gobbles - o raving Maenad - |
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Born from the shadow of a breath Like beggars nothing is our own, We are the wanderers without destinations,
So that the last torment becomes complete with me, Your breath makes me burn louder,
You dark night, you dark heart, Before our pain, before our lust And a strange enemy stands before us,
You are the wine that makes drunk, I am the harp in your womb,
Deep rest - o deep rest! Close all wounds
O let my silence be your song! Who is dreamlesslybuilt up in me ,
I heard flowers die in the ground
The darkness extinguished me in silence, Now a silence dwells in my heart,
O night, you mute gate before my suffering, O night, you garden of oblivion
My demon once laughed, My demon once wept, However, now my demon neither weeps nor laughs,
My poor smile which struggled for you, Let me tread in your cathedral
You are in deep midnight You are in deep midnight You are in deep midnight |
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From deep night I was released. My soul is astonished in immortality, My soul listens over space and time To the melody of eternity! Not day and lust, not night and suffering Is the melody of eternity, And since I listened to eternity, I feel no more lust and suffering! |
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A fool wrote three signs in the sand, A pale maiden stood there before him. Loudly the sea sang, o it sang. She held a cup in the hand, Which gleamed up to the edge, Like blood so red and heavy . No word was spoken - the sun faded away, Then the fool took the cup Out of her hand and drank it empty. Then its light extinguished in her hand, The wind blew away the three signs in the sand - Loudly the sea sang, o it sang. |
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A heart laments: you do not find her, Her native country is probably far from here, And her face is strange! The night weeps by a door! In the marble hall light upon light burns, O stuffy, o stuffy! Somebody dies here! A whisper somewhere: o do you not come? The night weeps by a door! A sobbing still: o that he would see the light! Then it became dark there and here - A sobbing: brother, o do you not pray? The night weeps by a door. |
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A sultry garden stood the night. We kept silent ourselves about what grips us horribly. From this our hearts awoke And succumbed under the burden of silence. No star blossomed in that night And nobody asked for us. Only a demon has laughed in the darkness. Be cursed everyone! Then the deed came into being. |
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At my windows the night weeps - Like fire her hair blows in the storm, |
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A wind is blowing! The green lights Sing extinguished - large and satiated The moon fulfils the high hall, Where no more celebrations sound through. The ancestral portraits quietly smile And far-off - their last shadow fell, The room is sultry with putrefaction, Arround which ravens mutely move in circles. A lost sense of past times Looks from the stony masks, Pain distorted and empty of existence Mourning in abandonments. Sick smells of sunken gardens Quietly caress the decay - Like the echo of sobbing words Quivering over open crypts. |
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A pious song came to me here: You simple heart, you holy blood, O take from me such an evil fervor! There it was heard and laments no more! My heart is heavy of every sin And is exhausted in evil fervor, And does not plead to the holy blood, And is so mute and empty of tears. |
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Over nocturnal dark floods Only the nocturnal dark floods |
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Above the roofs the sky-blue, And clouds passing by, Before the window a tree in spring dew, And a bird shoots up skyward drunk A lost scent of blossoms - A heart feels: This is the world! The stillness increases and the midday glows! My God, how rich is the world! I dream and dream and life flees, Life there outdoors - somewhere Far-off to me because of a sea of loneliness! A heart feels it and doesn't become glad! |
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The fountain sings, the clouds stand In clear blueness, white, delicate; Silent people wander thoughtfully Down there in the evening-blue garden. The ancestors' marble has turned grey. A line of birds streaks into the distance A faun with dead eyes gazes On shadows that glide into darkness. Leaves fall red from the old tree, Rotate inside through the open window. The room glows in dark fires, In it shadows, like ghosts. Opal smoke weaves over the grass, A cloud of wilted, bleached scents, In the fountain the sickle moon shines Like a green glass in freezing air.
Version: 1. To version 2 in the Bequest and the last version‘Music in Mirabell' in 'Poems') |
In the Glossary: Faun |
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Around the flowers the blowflies reel,
Images of clouds, flowers, and people
The waters shimmer greenish-blue |
Version: 1. To the versions 2 and 3 in 'Other Publications' |
In the Glossary: Hellbrunn - Sphinx |
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Often I listen full of horror at the door And when I arrive it seems to me that someone fled, And her eyes see past me Dreamily, as if they would see me elsewhere. Thus she sits completely stooped in herself and listens And seems far-off from the things around her, However, she trembles when noise rushes at the window, And then cries still, just like an anxious child. And caresses her white hair with tired hand And asks with paled glance: Must I go already? And has a crazy fever: The little light in the altar Went out! Where do you go? What has happened? |
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The longing flames in their nightly glance The clouds lead their ways, In their camp’s star-loneliness, |
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Now I step through the slender gate! I stand before a green stage! To the melody of the early days You wondering face turned to the evening, |
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Putrefaction of dream-created paradises Blows around this mourning-filled, tired heart, That drank only disgust out of all sweetness, And bleeds to death in vulgar pain. Now it beats after the rhythm of faded dances To the cloudy melodies of despair, Meanwhile the star-crowns of old hope Wither on the long ago godless altar. From the drunkenness of fragrances and wines An extreme awake feeling of shame remained with you - Yesterday in distorted reflection - And everyday's gray grief crushes you. |
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The last, pale light went from the day, After the echo of its young celebrations, |
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Very bright tones in the thin winds, They sing the distant mourning of this day, That makes us dream after never-felt showers Completely filled with unimaginable smells. Like mementos to lost companions And quiet echo of delights sunken in night, The foliage falls in the long ago abandoned gardens, Which sun themselves in the silence of paradise. In the bright mirror of the clarified floods We see the dead time strangely animate itself And our passions in the bleeding Lift our souls to more distant heavens. We go through deaths newly transformed To deeper tortures and deeper delights, Where the unknown deity governs - And we are completed by eternally new suns. |
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He is the God before whom the poor kneel, They kneel before torture of His flesh, So that His nightly death's head of thorns |
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The colored pictures which life paints, I see them gloomily only by twilights, Like frizzy distorted shadows, cloudy and cold, Hardly born, already defeated by death. And since the mask fell from every thing, I see only fear, desperation, disgrace and plagues, Mankind's heroless tragedy, A bad play, staged on graves, corpses. This terrible dream-view disgusts me. But a higher authority wants me to stay, A comedian who speaks his role, Coerced, full of desperation - boredom! |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Confiteor |
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Over the forests the moon Gleams pale, makes us dream, The willow by the dark pond Weeps soundlessly in the night. A heart extinguishes - and placidly The fogs flood and rise - Silence, silence! |
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In the dark many bird voices call, The trees and the springs murmur noisily, In the clouds a rose-colored glow sounds Like early love's distress. The night blues away - With shy hands the twilight softly polishes The love lair, feverishly stirred up, And lets the drunkenness of languished kisses end In dreams, smiling and felt half-awake. |
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Night threatens at the bed of our kisses. Somewhere a whisper: who absolves your guilt? Still trembling from the sweetness of nefarious lust We pray: forgive us, Mary, in your mercy. Out of flower vases greedy scents climb, Wheedling our foreheads pale with guilt. Exhausting under the waft of sultry air We dream: forgive us, Mary, in your mercy. But the well of the sirens rushes louder, And the sphinx rises darker before our guilt, So that our hearts sound again more sinfully, We sob: forgive us, Mary, in your mercy. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Mary - Sirene - Sphinx |
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The stranger on the way - we look at each other And our tired eyes ask: What have you done with your life? Be silent! Be silent! Leave all laments! Already it becomes cooler around us, The clouds dissolve in the vastnesses. I think we shall ask more no longer And nobody will escort us to the night. |
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My brother, let us go more silent! The streets darken placidly. In the distance flags probably gleam and wave, However, brother, let us be alone - And rest looking at heaven, Softly and wholly prepared in the heart, And oblivious to past deed. My brother, see, the world is wide! Outdoors the wind plays with clouds, They come like us, from somewhere. Let us be like the flowers are, So poor, my brother, so beautiful and glad! |
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An eternal light glows dark-red, A heart so red, in sin's pressure! Hail, o Mary! Your pale effigy has blossomed And your mantled body glows, O woman, Mary! In sweet tortures your lap burns, Then your eye smiles painfully and largely, O mother, Mary! |
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I go into the evening, A dead woman’s voice that I loved |
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When in the hell of self-created sufferings Cruelly indecent pictures plague him - No heart was ever so enchanted by lascivious prurience Like his, and no heart so tormented By God - he lifts gaunt hands, Unredeemed, praying to heaven. But, only agonizingly insatiable lust forms His rutting, feverish prayer, its fervor Surges there through mystical infinities. And not so drunkenly the Evoe Of Dionysus sounds, as if his shout Of torment forces fulfillment in deadly, Furiously slobbering ecstasy: Exaudi me, o Mary! |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Evoe - Dionysus - Exaudi me - Mary |
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I have once seen passing-by A face rich with pain, That seemed akin to me deeply and clandestinely, So god-sent - And passed and disappeared. I have once seen passing-by A face rich with pain, That impressed me, As if I had recognized one, Who dreaming I once called beloved In an existence that long ago disappeared. |
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On dark benches they sit packed And lift extinguished looks To the cross. The lights gleam as if covered, And cloudy and as if covered the head of wounds. The incense rises from a golden vessel To the height, dying songs Exhale, and as if afflicted the room dusks Uncertainly and sweet. The priest strides Before the altar; but, he practices the pious rites With tired spirit - a miserable player Before bad prayers with numb hearts, In soulless play with bread and wine. The bell sounds! The lights flicker more cloudily - And paler, as if covered the head of wounds! The organ hisses! In dead hearts memory shudders on! A bleeding countenance of pain Wraps itself in darkness and the despair Stares after him in the emptiness from many eyes. And one who sounded like all voices, Sobs - meanwhile the horror grew in the room, The death-horror grew: Have mercy on us - Lord! |
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What just woke me? My child, blossoms fell in the night! Who whispers so sadly, as if in dream? My child, spring goes through the room. O see! His face pale like tears! My child, he probably blossomed much too richly. How his mouth burns! Why do I weep? My child, I kiss my life into you! Who grabs me so hard, who bends to me? My child, I fold your hands. Only where do I go? I dreamed so beautifully! My child, we want to go to heaven. How good, how good! Who smiles so quietly? Then her eyes turned white - Then all lights extinguished And deep night drifted through the house. |
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Dusk falls! And the night o hammers Dully on our door! A child whispers: How you tremble So much! Yet we poor Bend deeper and keep silent And keep silent as if we were no more! |
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Strike me pain! The wound glows. I shall not notice this agony! Look a riddle-filled star blooms From my wounds in the night! Strike me death! I am finished. |
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The chamber of the dead is full of night My father sleeps, I keep vigil. The dead one's hard face Shimmers white in the candlelight. The flowers smell, the fly hums My heart listens unfeeling and becomes silent. The wind throbs quietly at the door. It opens with bright clinking. And outside a field of ears rustles, The sun crackles in the firmament. Bush and tree hang full of fruits And birds and butterflies whirr in space. In the field the peasants mow In the deep silence of high noon. I make the sign of the cross on the dead person And soundlessly my step fades away in the green. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: De profundis |
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Rotten stone towers sultrily warmed. Yellow haze of incense hovers. Bees hum chaotically swarmed And the flower trellises shake. Slowly a breath stirs there By the sun-still walls, Dwindles glimmering, like a deceit - Songs for the dead deeply shiver away. Long it listens after in the green, Lets the bushes shine brighter; Brown swarms of mosquitoes spray Over old tombstones. |
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A branch rocks me in the deep blue. In the frolicking, autumnal leaf-tangle Moths flicker, intoxicated and crazy. Ax blows resound in the floodplain. My mouth bites into red berries And light and shadows sway in the foliage. For hours golden dust falls Crackling in the brown ground. The thrush laughs from the bushes And frolicking and loudly the autumnal leaf-tangle Strikes together above me - Fruits detach bright and heavy. |
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An animal face in the brown green Glows shyly to me, the bushes smolder. Very far away an old fountain sings With children's voices. I listen there. The wild jackdaws mock me And all around the birches veil themselves. I stand silent before a weed fire And softly pictures paint themselves on it, An ancient fairytale of love on golden ground. The clouds spread their silence on the hill. From the ghostly pond-mirror Fruits beckon, shining and heavy. |
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Since I sat in the garden this morning - The trees stood abloom in blue, Full of thrush calls and trills - I saw my shadow in the grass, Immensely distorted, a fantastical animal, That lay before me like a bad dream. And I left and trembled very much, Meanwhile a fountain sang in the blueness And a bud leapt purple And the animal went alongside. |
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Probably around the deep midday, I lay on an old stone, Before me in quaint dress Three angels stood in the sunshine. O ominous spring year! In the acre the last snow melted, And the birch's hair hung quivering In the cold, clear lake. From the sky a blue ribbon blew, And beautifully a cloud flowed within, Facing it, I lay dreaming - The angels kneeled in sunshine. Loudly a bird sang marvelous stories, And at once I could understand it: Still before your first desire is satisfied, You must go die, must go die! |
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Be silent! the ancestor arrives; And his step dusks away again. Shadows float up and down - Birches hanging in the window. And on the old vine-hill The round dance of fauns romps anew, And the slender nymphs rise Quietly from the fountain-mirror. Hear! A far thunderstorm threatens. Incense steams from dark cresses, Moths celebrate silent masses Before decayed flower trellises. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Faun - Nymph |
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Rotten fruits smell stunning. Bushes and trees sound sunnily, Swarms of black flies sing On the brown forest glade. In the pool's deep blueness The light of weed-fires blazes. Hear sudden love cries whirring From yellow flower walls. Butterflies chase themselves for a long time; Drunkenly my shadow dances On sultry meadows of thyme. Brightly ecstacized blackbirds trill. Clouds show stiff breasts, And wreathed by foliage and berries Under dark pines you see A skeleton play the violin grinning. |
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Far on the hill flute-sounds. Fauns lurk in the marshes, Where sluggishly the slender nymphs Rest hidden in reed and seaweed. In the pond's mirror-glass Golden butterflies ecstacize, Quietly an animal with two backs Moves in the velvety grass. Sobbing in the birch grove Orpheus breathes tender love-babble, Softly and jokingly the nightingales Join in his song. Phoebus a flame glows Still on Aphrodite's mouth, And drizzled from ambergris scent - The hour reddens darkly. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Faun - Nymph - Orpheus - Phoebus - Aphrodite |
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The sun shines alone in the afternoon, And quietly the tone of the honey-bees wavers off. In the garden the sisters' voices whisper - There the boy listens in the wooden shed, Still fevering over book and picture. Weary the linden-trees wilt immersed in the blue. A heron hangs motionless drowned in the ether, By the fence fantastic shadow-shapes play. The sisters go quietly into the house, And soon their white clothes glimmer Vaguely from bright rooms, And confused the bushes' bluster dies down. The boy strokes the cat's hair, Bewitched by the mirror of her eyes. An organ-sound far away on the hill Lifts wonderfully into heaven. |
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In the evening the sky was overcast. And through the grove full of silence and grief A dark-golden shower went. Distant evening bells faded away. The earth has drunk icy water, At the forest's edge a fire lay glowing, The wind quietly sang with angel's voices And shivering I have gone to the knee, In the heather, in bitter cresses. Far outside clouds swam in silver puddles, Desolate guards of love. The heath was lonesome and unmeasured. |
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Ruby-veins crept into the foliage. Then the pond was calm and wide. By the forest's edge brightly scattered Bluish speckles and brown dust lay. A fisherman drew in his nets. Then dusk came over the field. But, a yard shined still palely illuminated And maids brought fruit and wine. Distantly a shepherd's song died after. Then huts stood bleak and strange. The forest in gray shroud Evoked sad memory. And overnight time became quiet And an army of ravens flew As if in black holes in the forest and moved Toward the town's very distant ringing. |
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The sun paints courtyard and walls with autumn, The fruit stacked in heaps all around, Before them poor children cower. A gust thins out old linden-trees. Through the gate a golden shower rains And the women blessed with child Tiredly rest on rotten benches. Drunkards swing glasses and jugs. A hoodlum lets his fiddle sound And smocks swell lustfully in the dance. Roughly brown bodies embrace. From windows empty eyes gaze.
Stench rises from the fountain's mirror. And black, decayed, departed The hills of vines dusk all around. A migration of birds glides swiftly southwards. |
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In pines a migration of crows flutters away And green evening fogs rise And like in dream a sound of violins And maids run to the dance in the inn. One hears laughter and shouts of drunkards, A shower goes through old yews. In deathly pale window panes The shadows of the dancers scurry past. It smells of wine and thyme And lonely calling resounds through the forest. The beggars listen on the steps And begin to pray senselessly. A deer bleeds to death in the hazel bushes. Dully gigantic tree arcades sway, Overloaded by icy clouds. Lovers rest embraced by the pond. |
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In the green ether suddenly a star flickers And in the hospital they smell the morning. The thrush trills crazily hidden in the bush And cloister bells go dreamlike and far. A statue towers in the square, lonely and slender And in the courtyard red flowerbeds dawn. The air around wooden balconies shakes with sultriness And flies quietly reel around the stench. The silver curtain there before the window hides Entwined limbs, lips, tender breasts. A hard hammering echoes from the tower scaffold And the moon decays white in the firmament. A ghostly dream-chord hovers away And monks plunge from the church gates And stride lost in the infinite. In the sky a bright summit lifts. |
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An army of vermin, mice, rats Romps in the hallway which shimmers in the moonlight. The wind cries out as if in dream and whimpers. At the window the shadows of small leaves quiver. Occasionally birds twitter in the branches And spiders creep on the bleak walls. Through empty ways pale specks shudder. A quaint silence dwells in the house. In the courtyard lights seem to float On putrid wood, decayed junk. Then a star glistens in a black pool. Statues still stand there from old times. One still sees contours from other things And a writing, faded on rotten signs, Also perhaps the colors of cheerful pictures: Angels singing before Mary's throne. |
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Rockets drizzle in the yellow sunshine; What a mask-like throng in the old park. Landscapes are mirrored in the gray sky And sometimes one hears the faun scream dreadfully. Its golden grin appears garishly in the grove. In cresses the bumblebees' thick of battle clamors, A rider trots past on a sallow white horse. The poplars glow in vague rows. The little girl who drowned in the pond today Rests as a saint in the bleak room And a glimmer of clouds often blinds her. The old people go into the hothouse dully and ill And water their flowers which wither. At the gate voices whisper dream-confused. |
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Come evening, friend, who surrounds my forehead with darkness Gliding on paths through soft-green sowing. Also willows beckon solemnly and calmly; A beloved voice whispers in the branches. The tranquil wind floats beautiful things here from somewhere, Scent of daffodils which silverly touches you. In the hazel bush the blackbird makes music - A shepherd's song gives answer from the firs. How long the small house has disappeared Where now a birch copse gushes; The pond bears a lonely constellation - And shadows rounding silently in the goldenness! And time is so miraculous, That one looks for angels in human glances Which delight in innocent play. Yes! Time is so miraculous. |
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The girlfriend juggling with green flowers Plays in moony gardens - O! what glows behind yew hedges! Golden mouth which stirs my lips, And they ring out like the stars Over the brook Kidron. But the star-nebulas sink over the plain, Dance wildly and unspeakably. O! my girlfriend your lips Pomegranate lips Ripen on my crystalline mouth of shells. Heavily the golden silence Of the plain rests on us. The blood of the children Murdered by Herod Steams to heaven. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Kidron - Herod |
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Flowers scattered blue and white Aspire cheerfully upon the ground. Silverly the evening hour weaves, Tepid wasteland, loneliness. Life blooms dangerously now, Sweet rest around cross and grave. A bell rings its length of time, Everything seems marvelous. A willow softly hovers in the ether, Here and there a flickering light. Spring whispers and promises And the damp ivy trembles. Lushly bread and wine are green, The organ sounds full of the power of wonder. And around cross and passion A ghostly light gleams. O! How beautiful are these days. Children go through the dusk; Already the wind blows bluer. Far away thrushes mock. |
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A faun-cry romps through sparks, In the parks cascades of light foam, Metallic vapors around steel arcades Of the city which rolls around the sun. A god races shimmering in a harness of tigers Past women and bright bazaars, Filled with flowing gold and wares. And slave people howl now and then. In the canal a drunken ship rotates Sluggishly in green solar sheaves. A cheerful concert of colors Quietly rises before the hospital. A Quirinal exhibits sinister splendor. In mirrors colorful crowds circulate On bridge arches and tracks. Before benches a demon wakes palely. A dreamer sees pregnant women Glide past in slimy brilliance, A dying man hears bells ringing - A golden stash glows quietly in the horror. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Faun - Quirinal |
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Painted angels guard the altars; And rest and shadows; beam from blue eyes. In incense-fumes dirty lyes swim. Figures stagger woebegone in the emptiness. In the black kneeler a smallish whore With faded cheeks resembles the Madonna. In golden beams wax figures hang; Moon and sun circle the white-bearded God. A shine of soft columns and skeletons. The sweet voices of boys died at the chancel. Very quietly rapt colors move, A flowing red from Magdalene's lips. A pregnant woman goes astray in grave dreams Through this twilight full of masks, flags. Her shadow crosses the saints' still ways, The angel's rest in lime-washed rooms. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Magdalene |
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A lonely destiny in abandoned rooms A soft insanity gropes on wallpapers. Beds of geraniums flow by windows, Daffodils also and more chaste in wasting away As alabaster which gleams in the garden.
In blue veils India's mornings smile. Their sweet incense scares away the stranger's worries, Sleepless night by the pond because of Angela. His pain rests hidden in an empty mask, Thoughts which steal away blackly in the darkness. The thrushes laugh all around from soft throats.
The fruits which round red in branches,- Angela's lips which show her sweetness, Like nymphs who bend over springs In restful viewing for long hours, The green-gold, long hours of the afternoon.
However, sometimes the spirit returns to fight and game. In golden clouds a battle melee surges And a hyacinth-like thing floats from mazy cresses. A demon ponders thunderstorms in the sultriness, In the grave's shadow of sad cypresses. Then the first lightning falls from black flues.
The June willows' whisper in the evening; A rain resounds long in flute sounds. How motionless the birds hang in the gray! And here Angela's rest in the dim branches; The poet is this beauty's priest. His mouth is flowed around by dark coolness. In the valley fog softy rests poured out. By the edge of the forest and gloom's shadow A golden thing floats flowing from his mouth By the edge of the forest and gloom's shadow. Night embraces his drunken languishing. |
Version: 1. To version 2. |
In the Glossary: Angela - India - Nymph |
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A lonely destiny in abandoned rooms. A soft insanity gropes on wallpapers, On windows, reddish beds of geraniums, Daffodils also and more chaste in wasting away As alabaster which gleams in the garden. In blue veils India 's mornings smile. Their sweet incense scares away the stranger's worries, Sleepless night by the pond because of Angela. His pain rests hidden in an empty mask, Thoughts which steal away blackly in the darkness. The thrushes laugh all around from soft throats.
In the crossway surrounded by spiky grass The mowers crouch tiredly and drunk with poppy, The sky has sunk very heavy on them, The milk and desolation of long midday bells. And sometimes crows flutter up in the rye. With fruit and horrors the hot earth grows. In golden brilliance, o childish gesture Of lust and its hyacinthine silence, When bread and wine nurtured by the flesh of the earth Show Sebastian in dream their spirituality. Angela's spirit belongs to gentle clouds.
The fruits which round red in branches, The angel's lips which show her sweetness, Like nymphs who bend over springs In restful viewing for long hours, The green-gold, long hours of the afternoon. However, sometimes the spirit returns to fight and game. In golden clouds a battle melee of flies Surges over putrefaction and abscesses. A demon ponders thunderstorms in the sultriness, In the grave's shadow of sad cypresses. Then the first lightning falls from black flues.
The willow-copses' whisper in the evening; A rain resounds in flute sounds. Motionless birds hang in the evening! And here Angela's rest in the dim branches; The poet is this beauty's priest. Painful pondering in the dark coolness. Balmy puddles scent with poppy and incense By the edge of the forest and gloom's shadow Angela's joy and the games of the stars The night embraces the languishing of lovers. The edge of the forest and gloom's shadow. |
Version: 2. To version 1. |
In the Glossary: Angela - India - Sebastian - Nymph |
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Version: - | In the Glossary: Saturn - Eve - Helios |
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Where one goes in the evening is not the angel's shadow And beauty! grief and gentler forgetting alternate; The stranger's hands grope coolness and cypresses And his soul is taken by an astonished languishing. The market is emptied of red fruits and garlands. Harmoniously the church's blackish pageantry attunes In a garden the tones of soft play sound, Where tired ones find each other after the meal. A carriage rushes, a spring very far away through green puddles. There a childhood appears dreamlike and elapsed, Angela's stars, enclosed devoutly to a mystical constellation, And calmly the evening coolness rounds. White poppy loosens the limbs of the lonely ponderer, So that he views righteousness and God's deep joy. From the garden his shadow strays here in white silk And bends down over mournful waters. Branches knocked whispering into the abandoned room And a loving and small evening flowers' tremor. Corn and golden vines gird the site of man, A lunar shimmer, however, ponders after the dead. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Angela |
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Red spheres often emerge from branches, Snowed under softly and black by a long snowfall. The priest escorts the dead person. The nights are fulfilled by celebrations of masks. Then tousled crows glide over the village; In books fairy tales are written miraculously. At the window an old man's hair flutters. Demons go through the ill soul. The well freezes in the courtyard. Decayed stairs fall In the darkness and a wind blows Through old shafts which are buried. The palate tastes the frost's strong spices. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: - |
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The wind, which moves purple treetops, Is God's breath that comes and goes. The black village rises before the forest; Three shadows are laid over the field. Meagerly the valley dusks Below and silent for the humble. A seriousness greets in garden and hall, That wants to finish the day, Piously and darkly an organ-sound. Marie is enthroned there in blue vestment And cradles her babe in hand. The night is starlit and long. |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Marie |
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A scent of myrrh which roams in the twilight. Plazas red and desolate sink in fume. Bazaars circle and a golden ray flows In old shops queerly and confused. In the dishwater decay glows; and the wind Evokes dully the agony of burnt gardens. The possessed pursue golden dreams. By windows dryads rest slender and dulcet. The dream-addicted wander pined over by a wish. Workers surge shimmering through a gate. Steel towers glow upward at the edge of the sky. O fairy tale barred gray in factories! In the sinisterness an old man trips dollish And a jingling sound of money laughs lasciviously. A halo falls on that little girl Who waits before the coffee house, soft and white. O golden brilliance which she wakes in panes! Sun-filled noise roars distantly and ecstatically. A crooked writer smiles as if crazy To the horizon which is frightened green by an uproar. State coaches of crystal move on bridges, Fruit barrows, hearse black and sallow, The canal swarms with bright steamboats, Concerts sound. Green domes drizzle. Public baths flicker in magic of light, Execrated streets which one tears down. A center of epidemics chaotically circles in ether, A light from forests breaks through ruby dust. Enchanted an opera house shines in the gray. From alleys masks flood unforeseen, And somewhere a fire still blazes furiously. A small moth dances in the wind-roar. Lodgings threaten full of squalor and stench. Viola colors and chords move Along cellar holes before the hungry. A sweet child sits dead on a bank. |
Version: 1. To version 2. |
In the Glossary: Dryad |
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A scent of myrrh which roams in the twilight. A carnival play, on plazas black and desolate. A golden ray breaks through clouds and flows In small shops fantastically and confused. In the dishwater decay glows and the wind Evokes dully the agony of burnt gardens. The possessed pursue dark things; By windows dryads rest slender and dulcet. A boy's smile pined over by a wish . Locked an old church gate stares. The benevolent ear listens to sonatas; A rider trots past on a white horse. In the sinisterness an old man trips dollish And a jingling sound of money laughs lasciviously. A halo falls on that little girl Who waits before the coffee house, soft and white. O golden brilliance which she wakes in panes! The sun's noise roars distantly and ecstatically. A crooked writer smiles as if crazy To the horizon which is frightened green by an uproar. In the evening state coaches move through thunderstorms. Through darkness a corpse falls, empty and pale. A bright steamboat disembarks in the canal, A young negress calls in the wild green. Sleep walkers step before a candle light, The spirit of evil goes into a spider. A flock of epidemics orbits the drinkers; An oak forest breaks into bleak rooms. In the plan view an opera house appears. From alleys masks flood unforeseen, And somewhere a fire still blazes furiously. The bats cry in the wind-roar. Lodgings threaten full of squalor and stench. Viola colors and chords move Along cellar holes before the hungry. A sweet child sits dead on a bank. |
Version: 2. To version 1. |
In the Glossary: Dryad |
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At evening jugglers travel through the forest On quaint wagons, small steeds. A golden stash seems locked in clouds. In the white plain villages are painted. The wind swings shield and billet black and cold. A raven follows the morose comrades. From the sky a ray falls on bloody gutters And placidly a funeral procession pilgrimages to the cemetery. The shepherd's hut dwindles nearby in the gray, In the pond a brilliance of old treasures glistens; The farmers sit down in the tavern for wine. A boy glides shyly to a woman. One still sees the sexton in the vestry And reddish utensils, beautiful and dim. |
Version: 1. To version 2 'December Sonnet' in the bequest . |
In the Glossary: - |
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At evening jugglers travel through the forest On quaint wagons, small steeds. A golden stash seems locked in clouds. In the dark plain villages are painted. The red wind billows linen black and cold. A dog rots, a shrub smokes blood-doused. The reed is flown through by yellow horror And placidly a funeral procession pilgrimages to the cemetery. The old man's hut dwindles nearby in the gray, In the pond a brilliance of old treasures glistens; The farmers sit down in the tavern for wine. A boy glides shyly to a woman. A monk fades in the darkness soft and dark. A bleak tree is a sleeper's sexton. |
Version: 2. To version 1 'December' in the bequest. |
In the Glossary: - |
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By the hill over the chapel Marie looks out bloom-white So beautifully the old threshold gleams. There willows rock softly in the blue From primrose dew falls! Be happy! Be happy! There I will probably sing all the dear day Before you, Marie, in the white dress My foolish whimsical suffering So cheerfully the thrush trill laughs And the birches rise green And blow about still graves - Be happy! Be happy! |
Version: - | In the Glossary: Marie |
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